
Upcoming Events

Christmas At Inveresk 2023

Sunday 24th December
Inveresk Church Hall

Monday 25th December
Inveresk Church Hall

Everyone welcome

Local Groups

Our Sunday School is open to all children from ages 4 to 12, and there is a creche for the very young. The children enjoy a wide range of activities and lessons including Bible stories, crafts, plays and games.
Sunday School is held during the 11.00am Service at St Michael’s Church.

Contact: Jane Cameron

0131 665 9001

Stay & Play

We have a very active Mums and Tots group who meet every Monday morning at 9.30am in the Church Hall, Dalrymple Loan.
The kids have a great time, with plenty of toys to play with, while mums enjoy a refreshing cup of tea or coffee. Everyone is made very welcome.
Of course, Dads, Grans and Grandads are just as welcome !

Contact : Maureen Talac
0131 665 5046
OR visit netmums for more information.

Coffee Mornings

Our Coffee Morning is every Wednesday in the Church Hall, Dalrymple Loan from 10.30am until 12.00 noon. Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy a tea or coffee.
For more information, please contact the Session Clerk or just come along on the day.

Contact : Edward Yeoman
0131 653 2291


St Michael’s established a Twinning with Chongtong Pastorate about 10 years ago.

For the latest news and updates, read our Twinning Report.

Exercise Class

Our exercise class for the young at heart meets every Tuesday from 10.00am to 11.00am in the Church Hall, Dalrymple Loan. Please feel free to come along and join us for some gentle movement to music, and refreshments afterwards.

Contact: Mrs Maureen Talac
0131 665 5046

Prayer Group

Prayer Meetings are held every Wednesday at 7.00pm where we pray for those in need. The group also keeps in touch through telephone calls and cards.
All are very welcome.

Contact: Miss Christina Robertson
0131 665 8634

Bible Study

Bible Study is held every Friday at 7.00pm

Contact: Edward Yeoman
0131 653 2291

Girl Guides, Brownies & Rainbows

St Michael’s proudly supports an active troop of Girl Guides, Brownies & Rainbows

Rainbows: Wednesday 6pm till 7.15pm

Brownies: Monday 6.15pm till 8.15pm

Contact: Mrs Maureen Talac
0131 665 5046

Beavers: Tuesday Evenings 5pm till 6.15pm

Cubs: Tuesday Evenins 6.15pm till 7.30pm

Scouts: Tuesday Evenings 7.30pm till 10pm

Contact: Mrs Maureen Talac
0131 665 5046

Highland Dancing

Thursday 6pm till 7.30pm


Wednesday 7.30pm till 9pm